Friday, February 27, 2015

Dear Students!

Here is the reading assignment for our next seminar on the 4th of March! Our speaker will be Tom Schoenemann and he will be talking about the evolution of brain and language:
P. Thomas Schoenemann (2012) Evolution of brain and language

Don't forget that your blog comments are due by 9am on the  day of the seminar!!!


Friday, February 20, 2015

Dear Students!
We are very sorry that most of you missed Bob McMurray - he was outstanding!! Fortunately Andrew managed to record his talk and you can listen to it on YouTube:

Here are the reading assignments for our next seminar on the 25th of February! Our speaker will be Asif Ghazanfar from Princeton.
Takahashi et al (2013) Coupled Oscillator Dynamics of Vocal Turn-Taking in Monkeys
Borjon & Ghazanfar (2014) Convergent evolution of vocal cooperation without convergent evolution of brain size.

Please don't forget that your blog comments are due at 9am on the day of the seminar!!!

We are looking forward to another round of interesting discussions!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Dear Students!

In the next seminar on the 18th of February we will have a fun and extremely knowledgeable speaker on the topic of behavioral Evo-Devo - Bob McMurray!

Please read the following paper for his seminar:

Pigeons acquire multiple categories in parallel via associative learning: A parallel to human word learning?(2014)
Edward A. Wasserman a,b, Daniel I. Brooks c, Bob McMurray

Don't forget, your blog entries are due by 9am on Wednesday before the seminar!!!

Have fun!


Monday, February 9, 2015

Dear Students!

Our next speaker this week will be D. Kimbrough Oller and you will need to read the following paper for this seminar:

"Functional flexibility of infant vocalization and the emergence of language"
D. Kimbrough Oller, Eugene H. Budera,b, Heather L. Ramsdelld, Anne S. Warlaumonte, Lesya Chornaf,and Roger Bakemang

We are looking forward to lively discussions!


Your Cog Sci Team!